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Newport Little League - Rhode Island

Newport Little League - Rhode Island

News Detail


Aug, 2022

Fall Ball 2022 - Registration Opens 8/10

Newport Families:
Registration for 2022 Fall Ball starts tomorrow, Wednesday, August 10th and will run thru Thursday, August 18th.
We will only have the following divisions:
Majors Kid Pitch (typically, 11-12 year olds)
Minors Kid Pitch (typically, 9-10 year olds)
Majors Kid Pitch (typically, 11-12 year olds)
Minors Kid Pitch (typically, 9-10 year olds)
Fall Ball Registration Fee: $35 per player.

We do not have programs for T-ball and Coach Pitch (4-8 year olds).
The Fall Ball season runs from the start of September through the end of October. (Pending a schedule from the district.)
Newport Little League's fall ball program is intended to serve as a preparatory program for the Spring Season. Players should be signed up for the division they will be playing in the Spring 2023 season.
Fall Ball is scheduled by the district. Teams will play other teams from the district and travel throughout Aquidneck Island and the East Bay. Typically, there will be one practice per week and one game on Saturday.
We will accept registrations for (1) team per division (12 players per team) - on a first come, first served basis. We are in need of volunteers for coaching and assistant coaching.
If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to the following board members:
Softball: Kate Gardullo - [email protected]
Baseball: Sean Alexander - [email protected]
If for any reason we do not have the needed coaches or the necessary number of required players after registration is closed, an email will be sent and refunds of registration fees will occur.


Newport Little League - Rhode Island
PO Box 3872 
Newport, Rhode Island 02840

Email: [email protected]

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